Kids At Max offer a range of school-based programs.
These programs are targeted towards the specific needs of the school community and can vary in length depending on the purpose, number of students and particular area being addressed.
Programs are tailored to the needs of the individual children involved, focusing on equipping them with the practical skills and strategies to further develop their ability to function better at school, as well as equipping teachers with the knowledge and skills to support the child in the classroom.
How Will My School Benefit From A Kids At Max Program?
Our programs are facilitated by either a child psychologist, speech pathologist or occupational therapist and provides children the opportunity to develop their social, communication and emotional skills in a fun and engaging way. Programs can also be tailored to match curriculum focus areas for an individual classroom or year level based on the Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority standards such as:
- Civics and Citizenship
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- English
- Ethical Capability
- Health and Physical Education
- Intercultural Capability
- Personal and Social Capability
Depending on the type of program that your school requires, focus areas may also include:
- Anger management
- Anxiety management
- Assertiveness
- Bullying
- Confidence
- Exam stress
- Friendships
- Grief and loss
- Literacy
- Movement
- Problem solving
- Resilience
- Social skills training
- Stress management
- Tolerance and respect of differences
- Understanding special needs
How Does My School Organise A Kids At Max Program?
Think your school might benefit from participating in a Kids At Max Program?
1. Call us today to discuss your interest in our School Programs on 03 9702 4447.
We will discuss with you how Kids At Max can meet the needs of your school and tailor a specific program for your class or year level.
2. Meet with one of our team for a pre-program planning appointment.
We will arrange for a Kids At Max psychologist, speech pathologist or occupational therapist to come and meet with you at your school. During the pre-program appointment, we will meet with you to get a sense of the areas that your classroom or year level would benefit from further development. Based on outlined individual needs or curriculum focus areas, we will set specific goals that will be targeted in a tailored program for your school.
3. Your students participate in the Kids At Max Program.
Kids At Max Programs are fun and engaging and children and teenagers love the activities! At the end of the program, Kids At Max will provide a summary of areas that were covered during the program, individual child’s goals and progress depending on the nature and size of the group as well as resources that can be used to follow-up in the classroom.